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Frontline Missions has been working with key partners in Venezuela for over twenty years with an emphasis on church planting and leadership training. Due to the economic and social crisis nationwide, Frontline Missions is committed to assisting Venezuelans through food relief efforts and prayer.


Frontline Missions has stablished many relationships that now provide a vast network for food distribution throughout the country. Despite the numerous logistical challenges, Frontline is standing firm with Venezuelan churches by providing leadership training and support for the advancement of the Gospel.


Feeding Programs


Leadership Training for Pastors


Street Evangelism

Frontline Missions Venezuela Efforts

Venezuela: Frontline Missions team feeds 700 prisoners at the local jail. They then joined in on the exuberant church celebration!


(2:58 video runtime)











Frontline Missions and Ronda Martz of Hour of Harvest provide our Brailian Indigenous missionaries with new bicycles to take the Jesus Film to Venezuela and Guyana. We have trained the Indigenous who now train other Indigenous. Frontline's efforts include multiplication of local Christian leaders.


(3:05 video runtime)








Venezuela - Nurses at local hospital asking that our missionary staff return with food, ministry and joy for them and the patients!


(1:20  video runtime)

Frontline Stories: Venezuela

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Frontline Missions is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is fully funded through the generous giving of its supporters. Frontline reserves the right to apply donated funds to the areas determined to be in most need at the time but will strive to honor the wishes of all donors.

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