Week One - The Atlanta team, comprised of college students with a desire to serve internationally, targeted four small villages near Flower Mountain: La Savanna, La Lima, La Ceibita, and Piedra Morrada. They brought the Gospel to each home they visited and saw the power of God revealed in many healings and salvations. Praise God!
Week Two - Two more members joined the Atlanta team for the second week, and ministry continued in the same four villages. Relationships were built upon as the team prayed for the people they were able to visit.
Week Three - A small group of men from Eagle’s Landing First Baptist joined a Frontline Missions contact, Santos, laboring in the coffee fields. This is where most of the coffee that FM gives out comes from! The group also served several widows by working in their fields.
Week Four - The final group came from Beulah Baptist Church. This group served in four communities and was able to minister to those area’s widows as well. In addition, they helped construct a church that Pastor Luís had planted near Sulaco. We are looking forward to seeing how God will use the seeds that were planted and the work that was done these four weeks in Honduras!