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Getting Things Mooing in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, a land of lakes, volcanoes, and

beautiful beaches, but also, one of the poorest countries in the northern

hemisphere. The kindness and welcoming spirit of the Nicaraguan people

provides a great opportunity to share the Gospel and, even when the estimates

indicate that 27 percent of the population are evangelical Christians, there is still

a lot of work to do.

Frontline started its ministry in Nicaragua in 2008, doing church planting and

pastoral/leadership training, but lately the focus has been the on the younger

generation. In 2014 we started a cattle farm that generates resources for

different aspects of ministry, but mainly to pay for a number of students to go to

a private Christian school (Grades 1st to 11th ). These are students with a lot of

potential that belong to very poor families. They are not only receiving a good

education but, most important, the Biblical principles that will help them to honor

God, and also, to become the servant leaders their country needs.

This cattle farm in Nicaragua which pays for local children to attend school is an endeavor of Frontline missionaries Don Lewis and Luis Chavarria.

Frontline Missions' Missionary Luis Chavarria conducts a feeding for local Nicaraguans.

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