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Food For Millions Refugee Program

Homeless Venezuelans living on the streets in Pacaraima, Brazil
Homeless Venezuelans living on the streets in Pacaraima, Brazil

Frontline emptied its coffers for Food for Millions, our Venezuelan food relief fund. We sent our last funds to Valencia, the northwest shore of Guyana, and to the streets of Boa Vista, Brazil, where many are sleeping on cardboard in the streets. Our hearts were torn as we prayed with executives and professionals who could find no work or home.

Now after returning from Colombia, we ran into Venezuelans everywhere we turned. They have flooded the streets and thus the job markets.

In Colombia, if you are a Venezuelan, you are looked down upon and turned down for most jobs. At the children’s feeding program, we talked to many Venezuelan children who said their parents did not have any work, and this was their only daily meal. How can one provide for your family when you can’t find work?

The people turn to the churches, and God is providing…miraculously! We asked the pastors where they were getting the money to feed over 150 children daily, and their response was, “We don’t know! The money just keeps coming.”

Formerly Homeless Venezuelan Man In Colombia

Formerly homeless Venezuelan man in Colombia
Formerly homeless Venezuelan man in Colombia

We even met a man whose only comfort during his homeless nights was a stray dog. The man, no longer homeless, told us that God’s love came to him through the dog, and he received Christ as a result. God doesn’t only use donkeys, He uses dogs, too! He continued to tell us that he now has six dogs living with him because he takes in homeless dogs. After hearing his story, we began praying for him, and the Holy Spirit spoke through Heidi, encouraging him that in the future he would be rescuing men, not only dogs. Instructions were given to help him know which steps to take to rise up as a mighty man of God.

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