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God made an unlikely connection between a Frontline Missions airport chaplain and a humble Nepalese professor and pastor, Dr. Kewal Bahdur Khadka, on Friday evening, August 23, 2019. Dr. Khadka’s heart was to teach and disciple youth in Nepal, equipping them to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help transform a nation. From this Heaven orchestrated appointment, Dr Khadka returned to Nepal and is the president of Evangelical Christian College at the base of the Himalayan mountains. Over this time, Frontline Missions has helped support this work of academics, ministry, and transformation in the lives of the students who are impacting Nepal through their delight-based evangelism and service to the local villages and the slum areas of Nepal. Even their local government has publicly commended their love and service to the people around them. We rejoice in the Lord extending our reach into the nations in practical ways, including, prayer, encouragement, and teaching classes. Please pray for these dedicated students and the leadership of this school devoted to serve Jesus Christ and bring His Gospel to their nation.


Feeding Programs


Leadership Training for Pastors


Street Evangelism

Pastor "Benjamin" and wife Rina:

Dr. Kewal Bahdur Khadka and wife Khumukcham Rina Devi Khadka of ECC.

Nepal Pastor Benjamin and wife  Kewal Bahadur Khadka and wife Khumukcham Rina Devi Khadka

Frontline Missions Nepal Efforts

Frontline Missions supports the Evangelical Christian College in Kathmandu, Nepal. Christmas celebration.​


(4:45 second video)

The colors of the Nepal flag are red, blue and white.

Frontline Stories: Nepal

Hidden in the bustling city of Kathmandu a dynamic catalyst of God’s Kingdom is springing forth. Out of this Hindu nation, Evangelical Christian College (ECC) has been forming leaders for the expansion of God’s Kingdom in Nepal. Based entirely on faith, supernatural provision has supported this college, which will see its first graduating class of nine in August of 2023. These students awaken early to join in worship and prayer every morning before attending to their studies. A major part of their development is going into the surrounding poverty-stricken areas called slumps to feed many, gift Bibles, blankets, and scarves to the people, teach dance, set up soccer matches for the youth, and share the gospel through delight-based evangelism. From the new graduates of ECC, three teams of two will be sent out to pioneer new works in Nepal this month. 


Because of persecution, ECC engages in social work as well as the sharing of the gospel to be considered viable. Therefore, the school has developed a sewing ministry to teach underprivileged women skills to help them provide for their families. ECC includes a Bible foundations class in their sewing ministry, through which three women have given their lives to Jesus Christ so far! Please pray for this powerful work in Nepal. If you would like to join Frontline in supporting this catalyst of God’s Kingdom, you can adopt a student to provide for their living expenses and tuition ($75/month), support the college, or invest in their various outreach projects, such as the sewing project. Please contact us for more information at, or call us at 770-774-0641. Thank you for your support as Frontline advances its presence in the nations! 



The mission of the Evangelical Christian College – Nepal (ECC-N) is to equip students to be effective ministers and Christian leaders in Nepal and other nations, dedicated to sharing the Gospel, creating true disciples who create other disciples, and building up the body of Christ as the Lord intended. We are Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-led, faithful, active, healthy, unified, and synergistic (with each part supporting the whole).

ECC-N Team Photo

Frontline partners with the Evangelical Christian College of Kathmandu, Nepal, directing funds to help pay for student's needs. 

Christmas 2022 Evangelical conference
Prayer at conference

Christmas 2022 Evangelical conference.

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FM mission to ECC of Nepal

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Womens Reformation Conference

One Wish Bracelets passed out

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Pastors Conference

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Jajarkot Earthquake Ministry

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Nepal Children

Foot Washing

Frontline Missions Landscape Logo

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