Alan Winter at first water baptism with the Tolupan tribe, Flower Mountain, Honduras, 2013.
Frontline Missions has been actively involved in Honduras since 1998. What began as hurricane relief efforts has developed into strategic church planting with a heart to reach the indigenous nations of Honduras.
Currently, Frontline Missions has two main branches of ministry among the Lenca and Tolupan people groups. Utilizing cutting-edge strategies and partnerships with local and international churches, Frontline Missions has seen local leaders develop a passion to transform their nation for Christ.
Medical Clinics
Constructions Projects
School Supply Distribution
Humanitarian Aid (Food, Clothing, Funds, Etc.)
Oral Bible Storying
Missionary Outreach
Leadership Training
Frontline Missions Honduran Director Meily Garrido leads our team on a mission to Flower Mountain to aid the Tolupan tribe. (1:44 second video)
Frontline Missions Honduras History
Frontline Missions missionary and pastor, Luis Chavarria, shares how Frontline Missions helped after a devastating hurricane hit Honduras as well as work with the Tolupan people group and the wonderful things God has done in Flower Mountain.
(9:06 second video)
Honduras Efforts
Frontline Mission medical and construction mission to the Tolupan tribe of Honduras; providing food and sharing the Gospel. Also shows The Jewelry Project, which provides the Tolupan women legitimate work.
(2:10 second video)
New Believer Baptisms
Flower Mountain, Honduras baptisms of new believers by Frontline Missions' Pastor Luis and Lucia.
(50 second video)
Medical and Construction Mission
Landmark Christian School and Frontline Missions medical and construction mission to Honduras.
(6:31 second video)