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Colombia- Old City Window


Frontline Missions recently partnered with pastors and leaders in Santa Marta, Colombia with a strong desire to see their city impacted for Christ. Since 2015, we have provided leadership training for pastors and leaders and have taken short-term teams to train and equip congregations for the mission of the Gospel.


We are continually learning about the unique ministries of the Santa Marta churches and desire to foster the vision to reach their communities. A recent Bible storying training has lit a fire in pastors and leaders to reach the unchurched in Santa Marta - creating new pathways to communicate the truth of the Gospel through simple Bible stories.


Schools have also opened their doors in invitation to share with students who are desperate for hope and freedom. Frontline is excited to see what the future holds in Santa Marta - obediently following the Lord’s leading and witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit at work in Colombia.

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Bible Institute

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Leadership Training

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Street Evangelism


Church Planting & Support

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Oral Bible Storying

Photo for Heidi Man praising with arm up

Homeless man receiving Christ as his Savior, Santa Marta, Colombia

Indigenous woman with children

Indigenous lady with children
Colombian water baptisms

Frontline Missions Colombian water baptisms.

Columbian Wayu'u Bible translation of 48 Bible stories

Colombian Wayu'u Bible translation of 48 Bible stories into Wayauuanaiki language sponsored by Frontline Missions. Riochacha, Colombia.

Indigenous Flower

Frontline Missions feeding Colombian children at our planted church.

The colors of the Colombian flag are yellow, blue and red.

FMUSA feeding Colombian children at planted church

Frontline Missions Colombia History

Frontline has been involved in northern Brazil since 2000 and has seen God do marvelous things among the indigenous people groups there.


(10:45 second video)

Providing Food & Ministry in Santa Marta

Frontline Missions provides food and ministry to the Colombians of Santa Marta.


(1:36 second video)

Bible Foundations Graduation & The Gospel

Inside a Wayúu Village, La Guajira, Colombia graduation from Pastor Arnulfo's Bible Foundations Course; missionary Luis Chavarria organizes Gospel teaching.


(1:38 second video)

Colombian children dancing at Christian celebration
Colombia Children practicing
Colombia Wayúu students in Riohacha graduating from Bible foundation course

Above: Colombian children dancing at Christian celebration.

Left: Colombian Wayu'u students graduating from Bible Foundation course. Heidi Winter, Frontline President, on right. 


Frontline Stories: Colombia

Frontline Missions Landscape Logo

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