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Return To Ethiopia

Record Breaking Salvations & Leaders Trained

Finally returned to Ethiopia in January 2021 to lead a successful pastor's conference and crusade. Many young people give their lives to Christ.

Later in Sodo, a city in South Central Ethiopia, 80+ churches from across the Woylito region (an administrative zone in Ethiopia that includes Sodo) came together for a prayer and repentance crusade. Between 80,000-90,000 people attended the closing service, with 236 making decisions to accept Christ as their savior.

Frontline Missions oversaw three evangelistic and training teams in May, August, and October training nearly 1000 pastors and church leaders.

Frontline Missions saw over 52,000 decisions for Christ registered in a six-week period.

More Great News & Plans

Crosspointe School in Dukem, a town in the central Oromia Region of Ethiopia, had a record 1,600 students, Pre-K through 11th grade. Construction on a new high school building began, along with a new 40-classroom preschool facility. Plans for a new orphanage have also begun.


Saved: 52,362

Pastors Trained: 1,000

Attended Crusade: 90,000

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