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Colombia: Busting at the Seams!

God is opening ministry doors for us left and right in Colombia! Frontline missionary Luis Chavarria visited three cities from January 16-24, 2019. The Lord is doing some amazing things in each location and we expect to expand in 2019.

Bogotá From January 16-19, Luis traveled to Bogotá to finalize plans to start a joint effort between Dogwood Church, Frontline Missions, and Colombian churches. A steering group was formed to guide this effort, which would involve helping existing churches to grow. The churches would be trained on using purpose-driven principles to become healthy internally, which will then allow them to serve their community well and introduce them to Jesus. Many of the Colombian pastors said they had been praying for a training like this for some time now. This training will involve 100 churches in the city and surrounding areas. We expect it to expand to other parts of the country in the coming years.

Riohacha On January 19, Luis traveled to Riohacha to attend a few meetings to discuss the Wayúu training center. This trip truly jump-started the training center with both direction and finances. Pastor Arnulfo, a local Colombian pastor with a heart for the Wayúu people, will run this training center for twelve Wayúu leaders and pastors. This three-month training seminar started on January 29 and will cover basic theology, Bible Storying, and ministering to unreached people groups.

We hope to replicate the success of our training sessions in other South American countries (read more about that here). Praise God that the process of training Wayúu missionaries to reach their own people is finally underway!

This training is happening thanks to Frontline Mission’s benevolent donors. Our plan is to have two of these training sessions in 2019. Please reach out to us if God is putting it on your heart to be part of this groundbreaking mission.

Santa Marta

From January 21-23, Luis moved on to Santa Marta. One of the five churches we work with in Santa Marta—San Pablo—reopened its feeding center for 2019. This center feeds Venezuelan refugees and Colombians in the areas surrounding the church. Since they focus mainly on children (feeding between 120-150 children daily) some of the kids will even take extra food home to their families.

While in Santa Marta, Luis was invited to join Pastor Yurissa to a place called “El Difícil” (The Difficult! Named for its hills which make it very difficult to walk). They explored the possibility of training pastors and leaders there. At the end of the day, they were invited to conduct training not only in El Difícil, but also in the city of Fundación.

God is certainly on the move in Colombia! If you are interested in hearing more about these plans or seeing how you can be a part of it, reach out to us at info@fmusa.orgor (770) 774-0641.

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